Several months ago, my husband and I were invited to a spirit-filled church by a dear friend. The only thing we did not realize is exactly what type of so-called spirit was actually filling this church. 

Prior to this invitation, our previously tainted church experience led Ryan and I to step away as church planters and leaders of a ministry because of their executive decision to align with a very prominent and questionable mega church ministry. 

It had been quite a while since Ryan and I had actually attended a physical church so we were whole-heartedly looking forward to fellowship in a spiritually safe environment. We even felt anticipation regarding the potential of a new church home because our friend who invited us was a well-respected minister in this particular church. 

In the beginning of worship, the wife of the lead pastor shared a song she wrote describing a vision God had given her on a weekend drive up into the mountains. As she began singing, I sensed my hesitation to participate with the typical swaying back and forth, with hands raised and eyes closed but the enemy ultimately convinced me I was being overly critical. So, I decided to surrender to the lyrics not realizing that I had just opened myself up to seducing spirits.

The music made me feel alive and energized. Then suddenly, within minutes, I felt a euphoric connection to “the spirit.” After 30 minutes or so, a charismatic pastor began to share his inspiring testimony of coming to Jesus. The majority of attendees were touched as intensified emotions began to make people tear up. 

At the end of service, people were seeing a profound move of “the spirit” as they excitedly made their way to the front of the alter. Most of them eagerly desired the pastor to lay his hands on them after seeing others manifest with their body jerking before falling to the ground. Then the pastor waved me up to the front. At first, I gently declined. All eyes were on me and I eventually succumbed to the pressure as he shared accurate words regarding my personal life. 

As he began praying over me, I felt comfortable enough to close my eyes in order to respectfully receive what he was sharing, which by the way was totally spot on. Then his voice rose up as he began to impart prophetic decrees and declarations. Before I realized what was happening, he reached his hand to my forehead and pushed me aggressively down to the ground.

I laid on the floor in my dress totally dumbfounded and embarrassed by what had just happened. In that moment, I realized that my dear friend was also on the ground a few people away from me. 

In that awkward, all too familiar moment,

I knew I had been hit by a counterfeit spirit.

The entire way home, I felt dirty. Even violated. My husband even tried to reassure me that it wasn’t my fault. But I knew better. In fact, as a minister, I taught on this very thing happening to others, but not to someone experienced like me. 

I began to experience a massive headache along with confusion and tingling in my arms and fingers. To most people who are not familiar with the spirit realm, what I am describing can sound very extreme but as a deliverance minister, I knew that I had been hit with an unclean spirit. 

I am extremely aware and sensitive to how demons operate. My symptoms were obvious manifestations. Unfortunately, the majority of people will never realize the exact moment they get hit from a kundalini, or counterfeit holy spirit because they want to believe that their encounters are authentic moves of God. In most cases, the spirits will also hide by going dormant so that the person will not connect the dots between their contaminated church experience and what is going on in their bodies and minds.

Thankfully, I was able to get a hold of a dear friend who is also an extremely anointed and experienced deliverance minister. Together it took us almost a full hour to get the spirits out. 

For several days, the enemy continued to remind me of how gullible and naïve I had been.  

In fact, two weeks after that incident, I was invited to host a women’s seminar at a well-respected deliverance center. You want to know what the topic I was to speak on was? It was How to Identify Counterfeit Spirits in the Church. You can imagine how ashamed and disqualified the enemy made me feel after that demonic set up. But after counsel, repentance and deliverance, I decided to use what the enemy had meant for evil in order to turn it for good. I did this by being vulnerable enough to share my personal experience as teaching material for the seminar. 

I wish I could say that my experience was an isolated example, however, the horrific and unfortunate truth is that counterfeit spirits are taking over the majority of Non-Denominational, Charismatic and Pentecostal churches across the US.

2 Corinthians warns us that there will be a time for massive deception in the end days through false apostles and deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. Scripture then says: “For it is no wonder, satan masquerades as an angel of light. So, it will not surprising when his so-called servants will also masquerade as servants of righteousness.”

Keep in mind that the devil is a master deceiver. He is not concerned about our ability to discern the difference between good and evil as much as he is in our ability to discern between good and almost good.

In these end days, counterfeit spirits are gaining tremendous momentum through the work of these false workers who are infiltrating the 5-fold ministry. They are becoming massively popular because the prevalence of this end time counterfeit deception coincides with the increasing number of Christians that scripture says, “will no longer tolerate sound doctrine but will want their ears tickled with feel good messages.” These spirits will then accommodate these heresies with lying signs and wonders, contaminating spiritually ignorant audiences by turning them into highly infectious, counterfeit spirit, super spreaders. It’s the exact equivalent of the COVID crisis except on a spiritual level. If the church were more discerning to how these spirits operated, they too would implement the 6-foot rule regarding social distancing from just anybody laying hands or prophesying over them.

The lesson learned here is to always test every spirit to see whether it is truly from God. (1 John 4) We cannot assume that because we are invited to a church or even feel confident with the church we are attending, that you will always remain spiritually safe.

With that in mind, be watchful, be careful, and be blessed.

- Melissa

****Be sure to join us for our next Women’s Seminar on the counterfeit holy spirit titled: The Kundalini Deception on April 23rd. Click here for details.****


